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sqmdata??.sqm 지우는 방법

gipsi 2008. 9. 11. 16:47
How to get rid of sqmdata00.sqm, sqmdata01.sqm, sqmdata02.sqm, ... sqmdata19.sqm files on my drive C:\>?
My computer has 40 pieces of these files.
If I erase them, they are regenerated the next time I turn on my computer.

There's an easier way than messing around with HijackThis or editing the registry which many people answering this question on various forums recommend, but there are real dangers in going down that route if you don't know what you're doing.

Better is the following:

By default, you participate in a data-gathering program.
Open Live Messenger,
click on Help,
then on Customer Experience Improvement Program,
then de-check the radio button which says you want to participate.
Try that. It will almost certainly work, and it's not dangerous.